
Velocidad de impresiónModo de impresión duplezAutoResolución en colores600 x 600 DPIResolución de impresión en blanco y negro600 x 600 DPITecnología de impresiónIndicates the method used to print by this productLaserImpresiónProducing a paper copy of information stored on a computer.Impresión a colorImpresión a doble caraFeature of computer printers and multifunction printers (MFPs) that allows the printing of a sheet of paper on both sides (automatically or manually)Resolución máximaMaximum printing resolution.600 x 600 DPIVelocidad de impresión (negro, calidad normal, A4/US Carta)The print speed of a printer for black & white A4 pages, normal quality. The exact speed varies depending on the system configuration, software program, and document complexity.33 ppmVelocidad de impresión (color, calidad normal, A4/US Carta)33 ppmTiempo de calentamientoTime needed before printing after power switched on.55 sTiempo hasta primera página (negro, normal)9.5 sTiempo hasta primera página (color, normal)10.5 sImpresión de marca de aguaCopiadoCopiado a doble caraCopiandoDescription of copying function (colour or monochrome).Copia a colorResolución máxima de copiaThe greatest amount of detail that can be produced by a copy of a document.600 x 600 DPIVelocidad de copiado (calidad normal, negro, A4)35 cpmVelocidad de copia (calidad normal, color, A4)33 cpmTiempo hasta primera copia (negro, normal)7.6 sTiempo de primera copia (color, normal)10 sMáximo número de copias999 copiasEscalado en la impresosa25 - 400%Función de copia de DNIFunción de ajuste automáticoExploraciónEscaneado dúplexFeature of computer scanners and multifunction printers (MFPs) that allows the automatic scanning of a sheet of paper on both sides.EscaneandoTo convert a document or picture into digital form for storage or processing on a computer, by scanning it using a scanner.Escaneo a colorResolución óptica de escánerHow many pixels a scanner can see. Most commonly, this is measured in dots per inch (dpi).For example, a typical flatbed scanner will use a scanning head with 300 sensors per inch, so it can sample 300 dots per inch (dpi) in one direction. To scan in the other direction, it will move the scanning head along the page, stopping 300 times per inch, so it can scan 300 dpi in the other direction as well. This scanner would have an optical resolution of 300 x 300 dpi. Some manufacturers stop the scanning head more frequently as it moves down the page, so their machines have resolutions of 300 x 600 dpi or 300x1200 dpi.1200 x 1200 DPIResolución máxima de escaneado1200 x 1200 DPIÁrea máxima de escaneo216 x 297 mmTipo de escaneadoIndicates the type of scanner this product isEscáner de base plana y ADFTecnología de escaneadoIndicates the technology used to scan by this productCISEscanear aCorreo electrónico, Software, TWAIN, WIA, ArchivoFormatos de imagen soportadosThe type of image files that the device can use/display e.g. gif, JPEG (jpg).JPG, TIFFFormatos de texto soportadosThe type of document formats that can be read/produced with this device e.g. .docx, .pdf.PDFProfundidad de color de entradaColour depth of the input into the product. The colour depth is either the number of bits used to indicate the color of a single pixel, in a bitmapped image or video frame buffer, or the number of bits used for each color component of a single pixel. High-end laptops have 24-bit colour depth.30 BitNiveles en escala de gris256Controladores de escaneadoTWAIN, WIAFaxEnviando por faxTo send an exact copy of a document made by electronic scanning and transmitted as data by telecommunications links.Envío y recepción de faxes en blanco y negroResolución de fax (negro)300 x 300 DPIVelocidad de transmisión de fax5 seg/páginaVelocidad de módemThe speed at which data is transferred by a modem.33.6 Kbit/sMemoria de fax500 páginasRemarcado automáticoIndicates whether automatic redialing is available on this productMarcación rápidaReenvío a FaxSends a fax received in memory to another pre-programmed fax number.Envío retrasado de faxIndicates whether delayed sending is available on this productAutorreducciónLong documents are automatically reduced to fit to A4!CaracterísticasCiclo de trabajo recomendado750 - 4000 páginas por mesCiclo de trabajo (máximo)The maximum number of prints/copies made by a printer/copier in a fixed period.50000 páginas por mesFunciones de doble caraThe product has the ability to print, scan etc. on both sides of a sheet of paper.Imprimir, Copiar, EscanearNúmero de cartuchos de impresiónThe amount of print cartridges. A print cartridge is a container holding a quantity of ink which is inserted into a inkjet printer mechanism.4Colores de impresiónThe colours that can be produced by the printer.Negro, Cian, Magenta, AmarilloIdiomas de la descripción de la páginaPCL 5e, PCL 6, PostScript 3, URF, PWG, PDFFuentes de la impresoraScalable, TrueTypeMultitareas todo-en-unoPaís de origenCountry where the device is made. Aka Country of manufacture (COM).ChinaSegmento HPPequeña y mediana empresaCapacidad de entrada y salidaNúmero total de bandejas de entrada2Capacidad total de entrada300 hojasCapacidad total de salida150 hojasCapacidad de entrada de la bandeja de papel 150 hojasCapacidad de entrada de la bandeja de papel 2250 hojasBandeja multiusosCapacidad de entrada de bandeja multiuso50 hojasAlimentador automático de documentos (ADF)Capacidad del alimentador automático de documentosNumber of sheets this product can hold in its ADF tray; expressed in sheets50 hojasCapacidad de entrada y salidaNúmero máximo de bandejas de entrada3Capacidad de entrada máxima850 hojasCapacidad de salida máximaMaximum number of sheets this product can hold in all available standard and optional output trays150 hojasDirección de papelTamaño máximo de impresiónThe maximum size that an image can be printed with a good resolution.212 x 352 mmTipos de medios de la bandeja de papelPapel bond, Sobres, Papel satinado, Etiquetas, Membrete, Papel fotográfico, Papel normal, Tarjeta postal, Papel reciclado, Papel rugosoAncho de formato personalizado76.2 - 216 mmLongitud de formato personalizado127 - 356 mmPeso de medios de la bandeja de papel60 - 200 g/m²Puertos e InterfacesPuerto USBThe device features a socket into which a USB cable can be plugged.RedWifiPopular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data or connect to the internet wirelessly using radio waves.EthernetAn Ethernet LAN (Local Area Network) interface is present, for a wired conection via a cable.Tecnología de cableadoType of cable technology performance; including the fiber or cable type10/100/1000Base-T(X)Ethernet LAN, velocidad de transferencia de datosThe different speed levels of the Ethernet LAN connection.10,100,1000 Mbit/sWi-Fi directoBluetoothBluetooth is a low-power radio technology developed to replace the cables and wires currently used to link or connect electronic devices such as personal computers, printers, and a wide variety of handheld devices including mobile phones. Because it uses radio-wave connectivity, a Bluetooth-enabled device has a constant, established connection to whatever browser it uses. This saves the user the trouble of logging on to check for emails or news updates, for example.Tecnología de impresión móvilApps etc. which allow users to send a print job from a smartphone or tablet to a printer via a wireless network.Apple AirPrint, Mopria Print ServiceDesempeñoMemoria interna máximaThe maximum amount of memory inside a product, usually measured in bytes e.g megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB).512 MBMemoria internaCantidad de memoria medida en Megabytes instalados en el sistema hardware512 MBProcesador incorporadoWhether or not a processor is built into the device.Frecuencia del procesadorThe clock rate is the fundamental rate in cycles per second (measured in hertz) at which a computer performs its most basic operations such as adding two numbers. There are more factors, like internal memory size, that influence a computer's actual response time.1200 MHzNivel de presión sonora (imprimiendo)50 DbNivel de presión sonora (escaneando)48 DbNivel de potencia sonora (imprimiendo)6.1 DbDiseñoPosicionamiento de mercadoUnder which category can the device be positioned in the market, e.g. camera phone.NegociosPantalla incorporadaA display which is part of the product, so you do not need to attach another display.Diagonal de la pantallaSize of the display for this product, measured diagonally, usually in inches.10.9 cm (4.3")Tipo de controlThe way in which the device is controlled.TocarControl de energíaConsumo de energía (ahorro)0.07 WConsumo de energía (imprimiendo)585 WConsumo de energía (listo)18 WConsumo energético (en suspensión)0.8 WConsumo de energía (apagado)0.07 WConsumo Eléctrico tipo Energy Star (TEC)0.422 kWh/weekVoltaje de entrada ACThe voltage of the AC electricity that is inputted into the product.220 - 240 VFrecuencia de entrada AC50/60 HzCaracterísticas especialesEncendido/Apagado automático HPRequisitos del sistemaSistemas operativos Windows soportadosWindows vesions wich can be used with the device.Windows 10, Windows 11Sistemas operativos Mac soportadosMac operating systems e.g. OS X can be used with the device.Mac OS X 10.15 Catalina, Mac OS X 13.0 Ventura, Mac OS X 11.0 Big Sur, Mac OS X 12.0 MontereyOtros sistemas operativos soportadosChromeOS, iOS, Android, LinuxCondiciones ambientalesIntervalo de temperatura operativa (T-T)The minimum and maximum temperatures at which the product can be safely operated.10 - 32.5 °CCertificadosCertificaciónCISPR 22:2008 (International) Class B, CISPR 32:2015 (International) Class B / EN 55032:2015 Class B + A11:2020, CISPR 35:2016 (International) / EN 55035:2017 + A11:2020, EN IEC 61000-3-2:2019, EN 61000-3-3:2013+A1:2019 + A2:2021, FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Class B, ICES-003, Issue 7 Class B. Other EMC approvals as required by individual countries.SustentabilidadCumplimiento de la sostenibilidadCertificados de sustentabilidadEPEAT SilverPeso y dimensionesAnchoThe measurement or extent of something from side to side.421 mmProfundidadThe distance from the front to the back of something.435 mmAlturaHeight of the product384 mmPesoPeso del producto sin embalaje (peso neto). Si es posible, se da el peso neto incluyendo los accesorios y suministros estándar. Tenga en cuenta que a veces el fabricante deja de lado el peso de los accesorios y / o suministros.24.6 kgEmpaquetado de datosAncho del paqueteThe distance from one side of the packaging to the other.597 mmLargo del paqueteThe distance from the front to the back of the packaging.497 mmAlto del paqueteThe distance from the top to the bottom of the packaging.492 mmPeso del paqueteWeight of the packaged product.23.6 kgContenido del empaqueCartucho (s) incluidoCapacidad de cartucho incluido (negro)2000 páginasCapacidad de cartucho incluido (CMY)1000 páginasCables incluidosCorriente alternaTarjeta de garantíaDatos de logísticaPeso de la tarima414 gNúmero de capas por tarima4 pieza(s)Cantidad por tarimaQuantity of a single product per pallet. If more than one product is packed per carton; this is the number of products (not number of cartons) per shipping pallet.16 pieza(s)Detalles técnicosNúmero de cartones por capa4 pieza(s)Otras característicasNúmero de usuariosThe number of people that use or can use this product.10 usuario(s)Dimensiones de la tarima (Ancho x Profundidad x Altura)Size of pallets (Width x Depth x Height) in millimeters.1200 x 1000 x 2111 mmRequisitos de sistema recomendados2 GB available hard disk space, Internet connection or USB port, Internet browser.